Yours | Teen Ink


January 13, 2017
By magicalpoetry832 BRONZE, Baltimore , Maryland
magicalpoetry832 BRONZE, Baltimore , Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My dark red blood is your thirst quenching water.
My beating heart is your 5 star main meal.
And my imperfect body is your delicious dessert.
My blood trickling down my beaten arm and into your dry mouth.
So you can wash me down.


You are demanding.
Demanding to have my body;
Exactly how you desire it.
You eat dessert like you won’t ever get it again.


But you will.
You will get it tomorrow and Thursday.
You will get it every day;
For as long as I’m alive.


Because my thick red blood is no longer my thick red blood
Just your cold glass of water.
My heart beat is no longer my heart beat
Just your hearty main meal.
My young body is no longer my young body
Just your decadent dessert.
So it seems...
I am yours.

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