Past and Present | Teen Ink

Past and Present

December 19, 2016
By ItsChuckyTime GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ItsChuckyTime GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since Present was born, Past has always been with him.
Through all obstacles, the only thing separating them were a single moment.
As the two grew older, Their connection never faulted.

“I will always be near” Says Past.
“I will always be one step ahead of you” responds Present
As Present continues on,
Past will always stalk him.

“You can’t catch me!” Present exclaims as he continues to vault through time,
“But I will continue to follow” Past remarks deeply.
Present moves faster as each diminishing moment passes.
Yet Past continues to follow.

But Present is running out of energy.
Past becomes worried, knowing that the only one he ever relied is decaying.

“If you leave, I will be alone.” Past cries out.
“When we divide, You will be whole.” Present weakly whispers.
“But you will never come back.” Past sobs.
“Yes, but my life will stay with you forever.” Present whimpers.
As his last words utter through, Present fades away, never to be revived again.

But Past has maximized his strength, mourning the fall of Present.
But Present has created a new meaning and reason for Past.
As that last fleeting moment of Present’s collapse disappears, he becomes one with Past.
And Past becomes eternal, always surviving as the ghost of Present.

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