How Easy | Teen Ink

How Easy

March 9, 2009
By Leyah Melikian BRONZE, Waban, Massachusetts
Leyah Melikian BRONZE, Waban, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

A cough, a wheeze
A pitiful sneeze.
My hands are shaking
My stomach is aching.

Tears in my eyes
Vultures circle the skies.
This skin burns,
While' this heat yearns.

How easy you are
To break.
How easy you are
To shake.

I cradle my kin
As your luck grows thin.
I need you to show
How fast time can go.

Your soul catches on
Though it's only a pawn.
It's kind of a game
To be won with your shame.

How easy you are
To know
How easy you are
To say 'no'

The facts all agree
We aren't truly free.
We all moan
We all groan.

You face certain death
On a trial no less.
Black words on white lines,
Paying bills and high fines.

How easy it is.
How easy it is.

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