A Poem about Poems | Teen Ink

A Poem about Poems

October 31, 2016
By Caleb2003 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Caleb2003 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I got a tricky assignment today.
To write a narrative poem in a certain way.
I fret and fraught and frayed all day.
I couldn’t shake this feeling of dismay.

I had to get started I couldn’t stall
I could not weep, I could not bawl
I’d write the most remarkable poem of them all.
It would be more powerful than a waterfall

I got started and began to brainstorm
Then the ideas started to form.
I started writing about a chrysophyllum oliviforme.
Which is a type of tree that lives where it's warm.

However this tree was very peculiar
Because this tree had a colossal tumor.
While this tree thought it made it look cooler,
The other trees thought that he was a loser.

This the tree was different so he was excluded
Which made him cry buckets while he brooded.
Then he eventually concluded
That he would never be included.

Then came a lumberjack named Matt
He started cutting down trees just like that!
Until the mighty tree used his tumor to crush him with a deafening splat
Matt the lumberjack was crushed flat.

Then the tree was a hero to all trees
He was like a tree version of Hercules
His story was hailed across all land and seas
He was happy until he was killed by bees

My poem was hailed as the greatest of all time
I was hailed as the master of rhyme
I had reached my very prime
furthermore I became rich with pennies nickels and dimes.

Then I woke up from my wonderful dream
And found that things were not what they seem.
That nothing was real so I screeched out a scream.
And went on with my daily routine.





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