Remembrance | Teen Ink


October 7, 2016
By Garrett1.carrot PLATINUM, Enterprise, Utah
Garrett1.carrot PLATINUM, Enterprise, Utah
26 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just YELL chicken... or butterfly"

ow I'm here for a reason I just can't seem to find out,  I'm very annoyed I forgot it makes me want to shout. Oh wait now I now know what, I have a new poem by the best of luck. It seems like I may have just remembered…

   Walking around with friends then suddenly seeing something that instantly triggers a memory from long ago, only finding yourself in a world where memories tend to flow. You are taking a test and you find a problem that you can't quite solve, then you study it as hard as you can getting a sudden flashback of how the equation is done. Watching a movie or reading a book you see a scene that pulls of few heart strings, you can't help but remind yourself of a similar event causing to tear up creating kaleidoscopes in your eyes.

  However remembering things of that past can be warm and joyful, sometimes it can also pierce your heart turning you mournful. I'm glad I remembered to tell you I just hope I never forget. Because forgetting is something I will most likely will regret.

The author's comments:

I was just thinking about how we suddenly forget and remember.

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