caution: flammable | Teen Ink

caution: flammable

April 27, 2016
By theblonde SILVER, Parkland, Florida
theblonde SILVER, Parkland, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

nothing's on fire

but the floorboards are smoking

it's down to the wire
and the room starts choking

my feet are bare
and my skin is raw
in the black air
you see my fatal flaw

you see i am but a mask
and an endless mind
born with the task 
of living wholly confined

the smoke crawls up inside of me
through the cracks in my skin
crashing like waves breaking in the sea
with a tide that pulls it in

but nothing's on fire
yet my mind starts to choke
and my lungs full with hellfire
even when you start to smoke

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