Helen | Teen Ink


April 22, 2016
By Katfish BRONZE, Englewood, New Jersey
Katfish BRONZE, Englewood, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here is the story of an older and delicate woman in a city
Even so, she is not one to feel sorrow
Lovely pictures of her younger years scream out a true beauty
Every one of her smiles resembles one of Jacqueline Kennedy 
Now she is and always has been pretty
But there were also many hardships
In her twenties she was in hiding
Her religion was considered to be disgusting
But she remained to true to both herself and family
By lying about the truth to believers of propaganda
If not for the luck that was fed to her
She would not be where she is today
After arriving to New York she an incredibly
Desired bachelorette
Only after a while she found her match
The man was a wealthy jeweler who shined
Mark was his name
He was a diamond in the rough
Like her a foreigner from Europe
They married on a cold December day
Soon she had a blonde daughter
And later a brown haired girl
At fifty she was a Fordham University graduate
Overtime she became a proud nana of ten lovely kids
But one tragedy struck
Her memory walked out the door
And could not return
Though it has been hard
She has triumphed over incredible obstacles
This year she will be ninety-two
She is woman is an admirable person
Her name is Helen
And she is my grandmother

The author's comments:

This is the story of a woman who accomplished an American Dream

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