The Midnight Show | Teen Ink

The Midnight Show

February 16, 2009
By Megan Meyer BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
Megan Meyer BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Lying upon the moonlit beach
Glistening in the pale night glow
Waves crashing just beyond my reach
And so begins the midnight show.

Glistening in the pale night glow
A dream of someplace from afar
And so begins the midnight show
The falling of a shooting star.

A dream of someplace from afar
Where most anything can occur
The falling of a shooting star
A wish, a dream, all but a blur.

Where most anything can occur
A place I thought could not exist
A wish, a dream, all but a blur
The waves the shooting star has kissed.

A place I thought could not exist
The cool night sand between my toes
The waves the shooting star has kissed
A wish my own I do propose.

The cool night sand between my toes
Waves crashing just beyond my reach
A wish my own I do propose
Lying upon the moonlit beach.

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