My Last First Dance | Teen Ink

My Last First Dance

February 27, 2016
By JustBrooke001 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
JustBrooke001 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't Forget To Smile

Swaying close to me,
he wouldn't let go.
The night got sweeter as we danced to the flow.
His eyes gazed deep into mine
I lost all track of the time.
My heart melted with joy as his muscular hands gripped my hips
then I suddenly desired to kiss his lips.
We continued dancing throughout the night,
sometimes fast and sometimes slow.
His eyes sparkled in the red neon lights glow.

I did not end up receiving my kiss,
it was a shoot and a miss.
Sadly the time came and the dance had to end.
And I was left unsure if he was just my friend.
But after the dance,
I figured tomorrow would be better,
these feelings I had would last forever and ever.

Now I realize I should have known.
I should have known it was all a fluke,
advantage of me is all he took.
I watch him hold her hand as they walk down the hall,
I feel my heart begin to sink and slowly fall.
I turn my head down and think about last night,
I must have acted like a clown.
No matter how “gorgeous” I may have looked in my gown,
no matter how close we may have danced,
I had no chance.
And no matter how gentle his hands were upon my hips,
I will never get to kiss his lips.

Almost to class,
I keep looking down yet I look up once,
and upon my face appears a frown.
I see couples by their lockers kissing;
that is exactly what I am missing.
And I do not have time to run and hide because
screams the bell and I walk inside.

Looking around,
the class is ecstatic,
but I take my seat and think:
last night is a night I will not repeat.
The teacher begins talking,
but in my mind I see him.
His big brown eyes are all I can see,
his image surrounds me like a buzzing bee.
My heart stings and burns because I fell too fast.
I know one day this will all be of my high school past,
but the pain right now seems to last and last.

For now,

I sit,

lost in a daze,

the tears begin falling down my lonely face,
I know now,
that he must pay.
He should also feel this way.

Happy Valentines Day.

The author's comments:

This is one of my longer ones so if you find yourself reading the entire poem. I thank you. :)

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