Inside Me | Teen Ink

Inside Me

February 27, 2016
By JustBrooke001 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
JustBrooke001 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't Forget To Smile

I lay in bed,
thoughts begin to fill my head.
Eyes crusty,
the clock strikes 12.
Another lonesome night,
I can not sleep.
Just like every night before it,
I lay and I weep.
Staring into the darkness around me,
my mind thinks of anything.
Something that was once nothing,
suddenly becomes everything.
Before I know it I am crying again,
for reasons that I have yet to comprehend.
I try to wipe my tears,
I drown in my fears.
The lights remain out,
I see shadows surround me.
The monster does not sleep under my bed,
it sleeps inside me.

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