Brokenhearted and Confused | Teen Ink

Brokenhearted and Confused

February 15, 2009
By SoccerGrl517 SILVER, Hillsboro, Missouri
SoccerGrl517 SILVER, Hillsboro, Missouri
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments

You like your best friend,
What do you do?
Find out if he likes you too.
To your surprise, he likes someone else.
Now your screwed.
Pretty much, your just stuck waiting on a dream you can't remember.
We all know that one could take forever.
So, your brokenhearted and confused.
That puts a whole lot of stress on you when you combine the two.
You're the best friend and that's what you'll stay.
Maybe he will will change his mind and his feelings for you will change, into something that will last forever.
Then you will be best friends who love each other.
To me that is just a dream, just a thought, just a wish, just a feeling; a passion that burns like a candle in my heart.
A piece is missing from it.
He does not know it yet, but he happens to hold that part.
The part that's gone, the one I can't get back.
He stole it from me, now all he has to do is open his eyes and see.
See what exactly? See me. Me, for the person that I am.
The best friend that sees him.


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