Whispers of Wind | Teen Ink

Whispers of Wind

February 18, 2016
By tl171 GOLD, Ridgefield, Connecticut
tl171 GOLD, Ridgefield, Connecticut
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass."

You merrily perched on the rusty swings
swish and swoosh, swish and swoosh
Up into the sky you soared,
Back down to the Earth you came

You merrily jogged down a grassy path
whish and whoosh, whish and whoosh
the morning breeze caressed your cheek
and you silently listened to the wind speak

Wind is the mighty roar of a hurricane
it is the fearsome howl of a tornado.
Wind is the growl of a raging storm
it is violent, vicious, brutal and cruel

But wind is the whispers of a spring morning
that promises of new growth and life.
Wind is soft, tender, placid and peaceful
it sweeps away all signs of war or strife

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