Your Life Will Be With Me | Teen Ink

Your Life Will Be With Me

February 5, 2016
By Chaosdiamoons GOLD, Brookwood, Alabama
Chaosdiamoons GOLD, Brookwood, Alabama
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every sixty seconds you spend upset, is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. - Andy Biersack

Is everyone make believe
That’s the question I ask myself as I am staring
Staring down this grave I had to bury you in
I remember when you were filled with so much life
Your roar of laughter was the most graceful thing I ever heard
I also remember all of the things we shared together
The kisses we shared beside the ocean still exhilarates me to this day
That day was simply amazing
Early that morning we decided to take a walk on the beach
The steps we took side by side will forever will be imprinted on the sand
You took my hand in yours as we strolled on the shore
As I fade back to where I am now
I try to think of only happy things
Is everyone make believe

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