Poem of A's | Teen Ink

Poem of A's

December 16, 2015
By IxNightWalkerxI SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
IxNightWalkerxI SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All one can wish for is happiness,

Abrupt is the world,

Abnormal are the people.

Along with that, there's more.

Amazing how nature is,

Adventures make it so.

Alert are those who are smart,

Afraid are those we have a heart.

Able are those who have the power,

Adaptable are those who have will tower.

Amusing are those who fall in love, 

Accurate are those who rise above.

Awake and alive to see another day,

Anxious, just waiting to see bae.

Ablaze is the fire inside my heart,

As the fire has just begun to start.

Absolute is my want for you,

So just know that I love you too.

The author's comments:

My name starts with an A so I decided to write a poem with each line starting with the letter A, well I tried.

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