The Song of New | Teen Ink

The Song of New

February 3, 2009
By kat95 PLATINUM, Bedford Hills, New York
kat95 PLATINUM, Bedford Hills, New York
21 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Smile even through your tears

Come my people, listen dear friends
Listen and listen well
Listen because I surely know
The tale this day will tell

A tale not of woe
But a sweet solo
A song never forgotten

A song of new
A song of old
A song of beginnings
And warmth and cold

The song will sing
Of a new king
A good one with no doubt
Smile, laugh, and shout, my friends
The king will hear us out

A kind new king
The song shall sing
Who helped us through our darkest hour
A sweet new king, it shall sing
In no way mean or sour

Come my people
Listen dear friends
To the song of New

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece in honor of Obama and the inauguration because change and a strong leader are what this country really needs.

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