What do the wires carry? | Teen Ink

What do the wires carry?

October 7, 2015
By NandiniK SILVER, Dalhousie, Other
NandiniK SILVER, Dalhousie, Other
9 articles 1 photo 10 comments

Wires, all over, carrying lots of stuff,
Carrying electricity in a household connection;
Carrying emotions in any relation,
Emotions, either soft or rough.

See, anger travels in the thin red wire,
Yes, it is the heart’s temporary attire;
It’ll soon melt and catch fire,
The wire is weak, it carries a liar.

Wires strong and thick,
Carry love- a pleasant disease rendering many sick;
These wires withstand the hardest season,
And endure the roughest treason.

Wires pink and thin,
Carry one-sided affection which isn't a sin;
It usually meets a bad end, hurts like a pin,
The loved one doesn't love, the wire ends in the bin.

Wires carrying jealousy are coloured green,
Jealousy? A monster with apparel blue and eyes green!
It burns the wire that doth carry it,
Extinguishes the candle that was once lit.


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