I'm Sorry | Teen Ink

I'm Sorry

August 13, 2015
By amanda.m BRONZE, Burnaby,
amanda.m BRONZE, Burnaby,
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
do ut des; i give so that you may give

I have of late not written much

And I apologize

I've been "busy" with homework and such

And I haven't thought of anything longer than a few sentences in size

I've tried hard to keep at it 

I just found it hard to write something that made me proud

And I've recently found a new happiness that fills an empty pit

It's made me feel alive again; smiling and loud

But I have not lost an ounce of inspiration

I promise you that at least once a day I have an idea

I'm waiting until they develop into a great creation

Sorry I'm not going to finish this last rhyme

Go figure

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