Sad Love | Teen Ink

Sad Love

June 12, 2015
By hailsy42softball BRONZE, Dalton, Massachusetts
hailsy42softball BRONZE, Dalton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you&#039;ll land among the stars.&rdquo; <br /> ― Norman Vincent Peale

Sometimes I lay,

under the stars,

thinking of how,

we’d come so far,

I kept you close,

to my beating heart,

But before I knew it,

We fell apart,

I’d tell you I miss you,

If only you knew,

all of the pain,

you’ve put me through,

I tried to ignore,

I tried to forget,

The sparks I felt,

The day we met,

But the truth is,

I’m lonely,

Without you by my side,

There to hold me,

When I cry,

I tried to hide it all inside,

replace it all with that smile of mine,

My mind says,

To just turn away,

But I’m waiting for what my heart will say,

In a couple of years,

When I see you in school,

Will my heart keep doing,

What it’s supposed to do?

Or will it skip beats,

As I look into your eyes,

And remember the time,

When you were mine,

I’ll think darling I miss you,

And I don’t know how,

to keep moving on,

Cause I need you now,

I regret all the things,

I shouldn’t have said,

Now I try not to care,

But it’s all pretend,

I can’t use words,

To describe my life,

I yearn to go back all the time,

To when I was your baby,

And you were mine.

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