Wave Goodbye | Teen Ink

Wave Goodbye

January 17, 2009
By Sarah Wilkinson SILVER, Kensington, Connecticut
Sarah Wilkinson SILVER, Kensington, Connecticut
9 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Writing my side of the madness
words stumble, unsure of how
to make their prescence known.
Trying to live your life in the background
each second another emotion is shown.

Break away for awhile
stop and smile
as you wave goodbye;
breathe into a new day.

When everything jumbles into one
how can you trust your instincts
blocking your view of reality?

Dancing away
the shadows on your face
it's scary thinking about how life goes by.

Break away for awhile
stop and smile
as you wave goodbye;
breathe into a new day.

Hold your head high until
dancing away the shadows of your face fades.

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