Dancing Leaves | Teen Ink

Dancing Leaves

March 19, 2015
By StephanieC BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
StephanieC BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars."

Leaves fall wistfully dancing in the sun,
If ever a proud performer flashing bright a color,
Slowly making an entrance as if the show has just begun,
Moving in and out competing with one another,

As the eyes of the world watch closely,
They wave and flaunt with the upper hand,
  Each quickly unfolding increasing speed becoming lonely,
Erupting tricks appear with a twirl just before they land,

Revealing a glorious talent they all take a different course,
To the left or to the right each one picks a side,
Some moving toward the crowd as if by a negative force,
Others shining solos departing with talent and pride,

Some quickly fall in a tight disciplined fashion,
Others loosely and slowly descend with the grace of a long lost passion

The author's comments:

connects the art of a dancers developement to the leaves falling in the changing of the season 

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