Summertime Sadness | Teen Ink

Summertime Sadness

November 18, 2014
By Dallie BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Dallie BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
We have to hurt in order to know
Fall in order to grow
Lose in order to gain
Because all life's lessons are taught through pain.

Here I stay
by your bedside where you lay
so pale and very weak
you hold my hand because you can barely speak

Your eyes are clouded with pain and fear
you are afraid you are going to leave me here
I will stay with you till your last breath
I will comfort you as you slip into death.

My heart swells with sorrow
My eyes blurred with tears
at least for the moment you are still here.

A smile spreads across your face
a smile I know all too well
it will be all right says the smile
but you will die says my heart.

“Don’t leave me,” cry my eyes
“Not know, you are too young to die”
“I know,” says his, “it’s okay,
I have lived long enough anyway.”

“What about me?” I weep
“Don’t leave me, don’t fall asleep”
You can get better
and we can go explore the world together.”

His heart beat slows
and this pain in my heart grows
I never thought that tonight
I would watch my loved one die.

“Goodbye,” is all he mummers
reminding me of summer
when we would laugh and sing
why does love have to sting?

I squeeze his hand tight
there in the moonlight
as he slips away
as my loved one sinks to his grave.

“Goodbye,” I whisper in his ear
so no one else can hear
my heart so heavy with no more gladness
the last words I say, “my summertime sadness.”

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