Procrastinator | Teen Ink


May 27, 2014
By Baelfyre SILVER, Henderson, North Carolina
Baelfyre SILVER, Henderson, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Some men see things as they are and ask 'Why?' I dream things that never were and ask 'Why not?'" --Robert F. Kennedy

Assignment given, due date set.
"I have a lot of time," I bet.
They all warn me, but I don't fret;
It's not time yet, it's not time yet.

Three days later, still light-hearted
My friend slapped me 'cause I farted
Or she's mad I haven't started
It still smarted, it still smarted

One week left and it's no surprise
On my work, I haven't laid eyes
I was too busy baking pies
And telling lies, and telling lies

Few days left, now. Here I just sag,
My work untouched inside my bag.
My friends are done; behind I lag.
Man, what a drag, man, what a drag.

In two days, my homework is due.
Just two and I'm one of the few
Who hadn't started. Had no clue.
I never knew, I never knew.

I'm straining my brain! It's half past
Midnight and I don't think I will last.
What was I thinking?! I'm aghast.
Better write fast, better write fast!

The author's comments:
This is one of my favorites from when I was writing for my school magazine. It definitely describes what my studying/working process is.

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