friends in need of help | Teen Ink

friends in need of help

May 23, 2014
By beatiful-girl-swag SILVER, Spokane, Washington
beatiful-girl-swag SILVER, Spokane, Washington
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Favorite quote: Go ahead tell me i cant do it, tell me im no good. cause i will show you over and over again that i can.<br /> Favorite: fall down seven times, get back up eight.<br /> fave:hate me? good sit with the res of hatters waiting for me to care.

There is a girl who may be alone and scared.

how quiet do you hear the birds sing a little song?

they are singing for you, waiting for a new bright day.

When the beauty awakes from her slumber, the devil says " oh crud, shes back up"

as the beauty awakens from slumber the devil hears her footsteps pounding down on him.

The devil is too scared and too frighten to fight back against this beautiful young lady.

He runs off scared with scarce amount of bravery.

This is the day you will see her on her feet, fighting back.

The day everyone may know here by how strong she is and bravery.

When shes awaken the beast is away, the demons go to someone else, and all is forgotten.

When those hard times were there, she fought threw and won the war of her own world.

As many can be confused by who the beauty is,

its a secret to keep within.

shes the ruler of her own world.

shes the one who fought back when times are rough.

she is one who is never to be forgotten.

she is one. she is the beauty, even if others cant see it.

shes the ruler and beauty of her world.

But there is one thing she needs to remember, the birds are singing quietly for here.

awaiting for a new bright day.

The author's comments:
my friend was going through some really rough times so i wrote this for her.

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