last night | Teen Ink

last night

May 23, 2014
By beatiful-girl-swag SILVER, Spokane, Washington
beatiful-girl-swag SILVER, Spokane, Washington
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Favorite quote: Go ahead tell me i cant do it, tell me im no good. cause i will show you over and over again that i can.<br /> Favorite: fall down seven times, get back up eight.<br /> fave:hate me? good sit with the res of hatters waiting for me to care.

Everyday the sun comes up and goes back down.

Everyday i learn from my mistakes.

But i wonder, what are those mistakes...

As the sun dies down my face fades away like time passing by.

My life screams out from being hated.

Im confused.

Not knowing how strong i really am.

When the creeks in the mountains is all i might here.

My life is back to normal.

But by the time i may awaken from my slumber, Its a living night mare.

Not knowing how my life will turn out from one turn or not knowing my mistakes.

The author's comments:
hard to think somtimes

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