simpily lost | Teen Ink

simpily lost

May 23, 2014
By beatiful-girl-swag SILVER, Spokane, Washington
beatiful-girl-swag SILVER, Spokane, Washington
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Favorite quote: Go ahead tell me i cant do it, tell me im no good. cause i will show you over and over again that i can.<br /> Favorite: fall down seven times, get back up eight.<br /> fave:hate me? good sit with the res of hatters waiting for me to care.

My chest tightens as the sun dies
My heart falls from being shattered to many times.
My mind is lost as if i were never to be thought of.
every inch of me fades like summer to winter.
The music i hear isn't the same.
Its screaming to get out of me.
blaring out of my ears
bleeding out of my eyes
pulling my skin away to escape
yanking my heart out with sad lyrics.
people seem not to care that im faded
everything seems to be different, but its not.
everything hurts me.
this is bad enough that i don't notice that everything i do is affecting everyone around me.
ive ran away from life
im lost in myself
not knowing how to return
its hard as is
im crying, im useless, im struggling.
i only hear myself cry inside. a lonely cry inside.
im alone and scared.
im lost and never to be found.
im simply lost.

The author's comments:
is how i felt last month...

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