Highway to Nowhere | Teen Ink

Highway to Nowhere

May 10, 2014
By Darya49 BRONZE, Framingham, Massachusetts
Darya49 BRONZE, Framingham, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I live for this kind of night
When at midnight my sister says lets go for a drive
We pack into the car and zoom off and away
My little sister in the backseat with a smile etched on to her face
While we count cars- there’s two- on this empty lonely road
Maybe we all need some peace and quiet

At first we stay silent submersing ourselves in the quiet
But that would be a waste of what could be said on this night
We arrive on our favorite street with no street lamps, the darkest road
We like taking the scenic drive
Away from the passerby headlights that stare us in the face
By the bridge by the lake that nearly always takes our breaths away

But we’re on a drive not a standstill so we cruise until it fades away
The once busy twisted and tight corners are free and spacious in this quiet
My sister dares herself to run a red and I sure hope she can’t see the fear in my face
Apparently rules have no meaning at night
She throws her head back crazily and laughs-enjoy the drive
It’s crazy yet enticing to go round and round on a never-ending road

15 minutes tick tock and we’re driving straight on the highway road
Fellow insomniac drivers join the street now as we all chase our sleep away
My little sister asks where we’re going. Dear that’s the fun of the drive
The options go on we could go to the loud city or drive to a shore where it’s quiet
Or nowhere because why must there always be a destination for every day or night
Sometimes we need to get lost with the windows down and the wind in your face

I can’t really do justice to describe the 1 am drive with the moonlight on your face
Nothing but you your sisters and the open road
Driving against the end of the night
Pinning the tail on the hours and the sunrise we’re chasing away
A spectator from your lively car to the world around you just merely soft and quiet
The feeling that you’re participating in life fully from the passenger seat on the drive

Maybe we’ll cross state borders or rush across coasts while we drive
And my little sister can keep the awestruck face
Who needs parking garages or stops or an end to peace and quiet
Because thank God there are no ends to roads
We can keep going inches and feet and yards and miles and kilometers away
Driving into the depths of the darkness of the night

This drive on this road
We can face the day knowing that at night it all fades away
Stumbles into this peaceful mess that we know to be a drive in the quiet of the night

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