Halcyon | Teen Ink


April 20, 2014
By leakingmoonlight BRONZE, Conroe, Texas
leakingmoonlight BRONZE, Conroe, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Our journey as human beings is not about following a pre-ordained path, but about creating that path. Life rarely makes any more sense when things are done 'in order'. Life makes sense when we are centered in our hearts. -Peter Pan

Flowers of love can glorify the hills
And cover the pain when weakness builds
Yet I want you to love me
But roses never bloom at midnight

Rainbows of life can arch in high
And all evil grey would slowly die
But a sunken heart is always there
In my body, I am broken and bare

Shooting stars can fill the skies
With lights and colors of glowing eyes
But I would still feel empty
A loneliness deep in my soul

I would die to know
That I would never be alone
Because I have you
But will this ever seem true

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