Just Keep Going | Teen Ink

Just Keep Going

April 22, 2014
By LaineyJoe00 SILVER, Moundsville, West Virginia
LaineyJoe00 SILVER, Moundsville, West Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We came together underneath the stars above. What started out as liking, soon became love. I sense a certain something that, in my heart, felt so true that I knew I waited all my life to fall in love with you.

Keep you head up, I see that smile. I havn't been like this in awhile. I've been crying for such a long time. I can't even get out of all this dumb crime. Man, can my life get any worse? The only thing that I'm actually good at is creating a poetry verse! I can't take this pain to much longer. Maybe if I hold my tears in I will become stronger. But, when I'm gone it will feel like everything is going to be dead. But, atleast I will be happy and peaceful, and I will be laying in my bed!

The author's comments:
This is a piece of poetry about my life!

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