Everyone Matters | Teen Ink

Everyone Matters

January 23, 2014
By CharlotteStuart BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
CharlotteStuart BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life while you can, because one day you'll become a memory.

Who is more important? The ones with scars or the ones who fakes happiness? I may look normal; still moving around, no scars, no evidence of my misery. Yes on the outside I'm still moving but inside I'm dead, still to everything that moves.

Yeah I smile; a lot actually, it convinces everyone that nothing is wrong. I feel like a hollow shell with nothing inside. Sometimes we want to be noticed. Some days we want to scream that we're not okay, but we don't.

Scars mean something, wether they're seen or not is another story. Sometimes you hope that they're seen because you want help. It; I suppose, relieves you from everything. The pain you conflict on yourself can be controlled unlike your other pains.

The scars that have been shown are a call for help, but this is where the silent people, the ones who fake their happiness are the most deadly, because they don't want to be saved. They have made everyone believe they're fine and everyone continues to believe that until it's too late.

I have been mistaken for happy because I don't have anything showing my sadness. Sure I may walk around smiling; cracking jokes, convincing everyone, convincing myself that nothing is wrong, that I'm ok.

We help others; more than we help ourselves because we don't want anyone to feel the way we do. Numb; to any emotion, no longer knowing if our happiness is genuine or if it's still being faked. Not knowing who we are anymore because we have been too busy acting who we used to be.

The smiles continue, but the real happiness soon fades. So; I ask you again, who is more important? The ones with the scars or the ones who fakes happiness? Your choice…

The author's comments:
There's no correct answer to this. We need to remember that no matter what everyone else is important and they may be going through stuff even though they don't show it. Everyone is equally as important!

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