Products of Society | Teen Ink

Products of Society

January 23, 2014
By SwimmingWriter BRONZE, Edmond, Oklahoma
SwimmingWriter BRONZE, Edmond, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One more inch and you’ll look like me.
One more rep and you’ll feel like me.
Sorry, did I mention this is all surgery?

One more shirt and you’ll be hard to beat.
One more spritz and you’ll smell like me.
Did I tell you this is all provided by my name brand company?

One more guy and they’ll view you how they view me.
One more ring and you’ll make the cover of Newsweek.
Pardon me. I forgot to say that I didn't really divorce my husband. He divorced me, What’s the matter? All I did was cheat.

Now you've gotten the hang of it. I see you've changed your name to the same one that was given to me.
Now we’re both products of society.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the twisted ways our society works.

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