Chicago's Bravest | Teen Ink

Chicago's Bravest

December 13, 2013
By StarCrossedWriter BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
StarCrossedWriter BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Education is not received, it is achieved." -Anonymous

The flames licked the moonlit night.
The smoke danced around with pure delight.
The house became a part of hell,

And the fireman heard the ringing,
The fireman heard the ringing of the deathly fire bell.

He wore a helmet with a now blackened mask,
A fire coat and boots were not all he needed for this deadly task.
A heart with bravery and courage was required tonight.
And his mask yielded a gleam.
His jacket shined a gleam.
His eyes emitted a gleam, under the flames’ burning light.

Over the creaking of the wooden floor beneath him;
The fiery devils’ demonic screams began to swim.
Over the pounding of his heartbeat, and across the gloom;
He heard a cry.
A child, a cry of a child.
Scared in the dark corner across the room.

The fireman pushed past the calls of the wild.
To save the boy; to save the child
He weighed the cost, and he let out a groan.
He fought death itself.
He fought to save a life that wasn’t his own.

The author's comments:
*An adaptation of "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes. It is a tribute to the brave men and women, like my father; our REAL heroes.

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