Omnipresent | Teen Ink


October 21, 2008
By Alice Liang SILVER, Troy, Michigan
Alice Liang SILVER, Troy, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I smile,
Too little to know.
Praised for learning,
Covered in blessings,
I was content,
With love all around.

My tears flow,
Freely, a great river.
While leaving the land
That I’d come to know,
Leaving the friends
That I’d learned to love.
Ten thousand miles away,
Where is love in that town?

I’m alone,
In a barren land.
Trying so hard,
To find someone
Who cares.
I’m here, waiting,
Without love, I’m down.

Years and years later,
Now I’ve grown.
Looking at you,
I wish you would see.
Am I to you
Who you are to me?
Is this love that I’ve found?

I’m sobbing again,
Lost again,
With a broken heart
Back to waiting.
Time, thoughts, love
All wasted on you.
In my pool of tears,
Without love, I’ll drown.

Time keeps passing,
But now I’m concealed,
Too afraid to show
Too afraid to find,
Too numb to know.
I’m frozen inside.
Forgetting about
The love that counts.

I’ve been making room
In my heart,
Giving a chance
To others searching,
Others waiting,
Feeling like me.
Opening again,
With love, I’ve rebound.

I give up,
Unable to find
What I dreamt of.
But specifically,
What I do I want?
Who can explain?
What is love, expound?

Through restless nights,
I ponder, I wonder.
I come to realize
There’s variety.
Love has many types,
All beautiful,
So much potential.
Love has no bounds.

It comes in friendship,
A special bond.
Easy to make,
Hard to break,
Linked by secrets,
Shared by care.
With this kind of love,
By love, pain is surmount.

From my family
Or Father in heaven,
Love is given
In my blood, my soul.
How could I forget
This love so profound?

I’ve always had it,
Right beside me.
I never knew,
But I’ll never forget.
I live and I learn,
And now I’ve found,
Even through my tears,
Love’s always around.

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