swayed | Teen Ink


December 12, 2013
By kelechi BRONZE, Lagos, Other
kelechi BRONZE, Lagos, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
your talent is Gods gift to you what you use it for is your gift to God.

Can you help me see
Bear me witness that I failed again
Without trying
Without even playing the game
With everything going by will
Whether yours or not
The chances of success begins at nought
And because of our unflinching love for this patterns our chances of losing are at nill
Going round in circles that won't break or bend
And my own shadows become my closest fiend
So they taunt me....
Bear me witness that its not my fault
If I stay in this cacoon with my wings to my side
Its because any attempt to try to stride
Would kick my conscience that I would slide
Took the back door to happiness
All the way to nothingness
What happens next?
Can you help me see
Bear me witness that I failed again
Without trying
Without even playing the game
With everything going by will
Whether yours or not
The chances of success begins at nought
And because of our unflinching love for this patterns our chances of losing are at nill
Going round in circles that won't break or bend
And my own shadows become my closest fiend
So they taunt me....
Bear me witness that its not my fault
If I stay in this cacoon with my wings to my side
Its because any attempt to try to stride
Would kick my conscience that I would slide
Took the back door to happiness
All the way to nothingness
What happens next?
Can you help me see
Bear me witness that I failed again
Without trying
Without even playing the game
With everything going by will
Whether yours or not
The chances of success begins at nought
And because of our unflinching love for this patterns our chances of losing are at nill
Going round in circles that won't break or bend
And my own shadows become my closest fiend
So they taunt me....
Bear me witness that its not my fault
If I stay in this cacoon with my wings to my side
Its because any attempt to try to stride
Would kick my conscience that I would slide
Took the back door to happiness
All the way to nothingness
What happens next?
after the lights are out
temptations and attractions to things that I cannot without
to hear Gods still voices and listen to the devil shout
would father forgive? if my faith would flinch one more time.

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