Olympus Love | Teen Ink

Olympus Love

November 15, 2013
By FerniB00 PLATINUM, Southampton, Other
FerniB00 PLATINUM, Southampton, Other
26 articles 0 photos 11 comments

there was once two mountains
set not far apart
they stood vigilantly next to each over
under the bright stars
the two mountains were old
to the fleeting lives of humans
but the mountains felt young
in their infinity of stance
completely still these mountains were
as they let people climb and draw
touch the surface, dig under
to bruise and implore
The mountains loved us humans too much
they sacrificed everything to be still
most sadly they let go of love
the promised they would not move until
the people they loved had gone
passed away or moved from the two
because what's heart-breaking about the mountains
is that they were in love too
and they could not touch
they couldn't move from their spot
wher they saw romance by the lake
and snow melting passion so hot
for if they moved Earth would shake
come crumbling down and fall
killing the small people below them
so to this day the mountains stand tall
the two snow capped peaks up to the sky
forests growing down their backs
rivers flowing down their sides
and wonderful, silly mortals oblivious to the fact
they stood on top of the world, but also on top
of the greatest love on Earth
and a sacrifice so mighty and deep
it makes their stone hearts burn
still so young the two mountains are
I wonder if they will stand the test of time
or give up in the name of love
and kill off out pointless fleeting lives


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