Imagine | Teen Ink


November 11, 2013
By Chaddrick BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
Chaddrick BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When all is said and done, more is said than done.

Imagine we lived forever,
like platinum birds high above.
Soaring to heights,
no man has dreamed of.

Like a phoenix from the ashes,
of the depths of despair.
To the end of the universe,
with time left to spare.

Imagine we were dirt,
at the bottom of a shoe.
Holding on for dear life,
like rock-climbers do.

Like leeches to skin,
the grip of near death.
To stay in one spot,
with no time left.

To live in a world,
stricken with fright.
Living to die,
dying for life.

The author's comments:
I think in today's world, there is too much fuss about death. Death should be the most common thing on earth but no one treat's it that way. Everyone is living in fear, when we should take the world day by day and enjoy the little things in life as well as the big and that is why I wrote this piece.

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