Not for Dinner, Not for Tea | Teen Ink

Not for Dinner, Not for Tea

June 13, 2013
By TJoya BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
TJoya BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Hoping is never enough
especially when living becomes tough

I don’t always know what to say
But I’ll always find my way

I put my hands together
I try to love the weather,
swallow this displeasure
and listen to the professor

With strength I love what I love
I think of what’s above,
take my miseries and gloves
and into the ground I shove

Mwahahaha I say
you’re not going to beat me today
With a true heart, I’ll pray
Until I know you won’t stay

Not for dinner, not for tea
I am who I want to be
I’ll keep looking until I see
the Greatness inside of me.

The author's comments:
I've been writing poetry almost as long as I've been painting. I wrote this poem as an inspiration to myself. Hopefully it will inspire you too!

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