Ambrosial Desire | Teen Ink

Ambrosial Desire

May 8, 2013
By Kwats BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Kwats BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your sweet aroma entices me,
How could I have thrived so long without you?
How handsome you are from afar,
As I make my way through my crowded street.

Your unique intonation drives me,
Like a kettle drum in a large parade,
Do you know that I am coming?
Can you see through my masquerade?

I have walked now through the woods,
Awaiting the warmth of your skin,
Like a singular sun ablaze,
My life without you has been fog,
A never ending haze.

You are only a few feet away,
Unconcerned in your cottage,
My ardor for you is fierce,
I can hear your subtle breaths,
I am so eager for the first pierce.

How majestic you are,
When my incisors did descend,
Prevailing in your natural hue of burning crimson red.

Sipping from the deep wounds,
Residing in your soft flesh,
Consuming sweet nectar,
Pouring from your graceful neck.

I think of you often,
My delectable beloved,
How difficult to imagine,
My love,
That you were so unaware.

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