An Ode to Music | Teen Ink

An Ode to Music

March 4, 2013
By BlissfulSilence BRONZE, Swannanoa, North Carolina
BlissfulSilence BRONZE, Swannanoa, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I listen to music,
it’s like a beat I instantly recognize
that takes me to paradise
The sound echoes through my ears,
and life seems to pause
for a moment in the timeless notes
When this happens
I feel at ease with myself,
and the music calms me down
into a mindful state of bliss
When the lyrics decide to fade away
I drift back into my own reality,
and realize, whether I like it or not,
music is one magical elliptical cloud,
that can never truly leave
my mind no matter what I try to do

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