Blue Skies are Falling | Teen Ink

Blue Skies are Falling

February 27, 2013
By hali rich-reid BRONZE, Jeddo, Michigan
hali rich-reid BRONZE, Jeddo, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

when blue skies fall there is no going back

they turn the world from color to black

I feel the emptiness filling my soul

when blue skies fall they take with them their toll

I look to my left, the world is burning

I look to my right, the ocean is turning

screaming to the heavens I hear no answer

how can we survive this cancer?

filled with hate, filled with greed

so many people, so much need

we must move on, we must find peace

we need a way to make it cease

alas we cannot, the answer too far

the world is filling with this black tar

it masks our judgement, shrouds our morals

brings with it these great quarrels

this may be the end of us

but in the end there will be no fuss

when skies fall it does not matter

everything breaks and shatters

as blue skies fall there is no going back

the world turns from color to black

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