Alone | Teen Ink


January 28, 2013
By tknapstein SILVER, Appleton, Wisconsin
tknapstein SILVER, Appleton, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you truly love somebody, then you are willing to let them go; if they come back to you, then you can be with them.

You were the first person that I trusted
In such a long time.
Then, unto me,
You had committed a crime.

You used me,
Ever so secretly.
And for what?
To cause jealousy.

To you, I never thought that I’d say,
“You never even liked me,
That much I can see”.
“Leave me alone” is all I will say.
I want to be alone,
Alone as can be.

Three years have past.
Each of them having been a blast.
And up to this day,
I am happy to say.
I am alone ever so happily.
I am alone,
Alone as can be.

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