Ekphrasis on Salvador Dali's "Maelstrom", 1929 | Teen Ink

Ekphrasis on Salvador Dali's "Maelstrom", 1929

January 7, 2013
By tearyouapart SILVER, Tucson, Arizona
tearyouapart SILVER, Tucson, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“But life is long. And it is the long run that balances the short flare of interest and passion.” Sylvia Plath

abstract, my head
stitched up and
made of lead
in an ulterior land

stitched up and
aimlessly stumbling
in an ulterior land
thoughts are tumbling

aimlessly stumbling
into a catastrophe
thoughts are tumbling
in my tragedy

into a catastrophe
will you follow me
through my tragedy?
a maelstrom of debris

will you follow me?
wallow in tacks and nails
a maelstrom of debris
insanity always prevails

wallowing in tacks and nails
the figure in the doorway,
Insanity always prevails
will I ever find a way?

the figure in the doorway
he is a phantom
will I ever find a way
out of this shaded kingdom?

he is a phantom
abstract, my head
out of this shaded kingdom
made of lead

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