The Marriage Chest | Teen Ink

The Marriage Chest

December 3, 2012
By Karlie21 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
Karlie21 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“She was struck by the simple truth that sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people...” -Nicholas Sparks, The Lucky One

Musty boards complain under pressure of weight,

Bones, long ago sucked of their marrow, creak.

Years had trudged by like months of hibernation;

Now the attic awakes with begrudging groans.

Room inhales with sickly moans,

Wind tears through thin walls, in lingering wisps.

Room exhales with heavy ferocity,

Beastly, warm, belligerent, prey stalked inch by inch.
Single window, shadowed with sooty dust,

Looks out to packed cobble roads, thatched roofs

Of an age past. Roof slanted, whole room

Closing in like folded paper. Oppression oozes from cracks,

An out of ground coffin. This grave not one, but many.

Haven to objects obscure, forgotten.

In the heart of the beast rests its prized gem,

A chest, possessor of a treasure itself.
Drained of goodness, honey sucked. Cracking blackened wood,

Missing chunks of meat. Adorned with crude depictions of the fanciful,

Winged creatures of imagination, breathing animals of truth.

Partners in unity, each with an unpolished face, curled horns,

Bent limbs, tucked tails. Beady griffin’s eyes, grumbles of

the lions. Feast upon your fruit. Top sits upon bottom, crooked

Tooth, like door popped from its hinge. Molting ashy feathers,

Iron lock sits squarely upon front, key stuck in, unturned.

No possession was superior, there only was the marriage chest,

Innocence clouded bright eyes, ignorance muddied young mind.

Undeserving of the gifts of gods, she a moth caught to flame.

Fearsomely drawn to the enigma, with prying fingers denied access.

Wondrous, she thought, yet how she longed to peek inside.

From man received murderous glances, forbidden as fruit atop trees.

One night she snuck from her husband’s sleeping form,

And to the box she went, diamond key in hand.

There after Pandora’s box lay to rot away. The only Hope

Rested within, burdened by the weight of the world.

The author's comments:
I went to the local art museum with my creative writing class. I was inspired by a marriage chest that was from 15th century Germany, and this is my poem about it.

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