Tired of Pretending | Teen Ink

Tired of Pretending

November 3, 2007
By Anonymous

Tired of pretending my life is the best
Painting a smile with my lipstick
Watching the color fade into my lips
Still dabbing the tears from the corner of my eyes
Applying mascara to my lashes
Though they are still damp
Sitting in front of the mirror
Cover the scars of what's left of me by coloring thy cheeks with the color of a rose
Combing out the mistakes & regrets i've made within my long brown hair
Dressing to kill. Kill my past, present , and future.
Putting on my shoes. Dying to know who would rather take a chance walking in them.
Standing in front of the mirror. Staring at the face looking back at me. Ashamed because i know she isn't me.
Stepping out the door. Standing on the porch. Sighing because this isn't the life i chose to lead.

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