Dark Butterflies | Teen Ink

Dark Butterflies

July 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Sweeter than cotton candy.
Like dew drops on the grass.
Invisible crystals sparkle,
In the still frame eyes.

One dark secret,
Traded for another.
A common hobby found.
An unlikely bond formed.

Gracefully floating through barriers.
One life melting into another.
Painstakingly rare,
Changing everything it touches.

Always thinking good guys finish last.
Making isolation a self given punishment.
As it passes by alone,
Catch it while you can.

Held in a net.
Not willing to run free.
One becomes two.
A butterfly and a faerie.

Like a beautifully written character,
Too good to be true.
Darkness fading into light,
Allowing Dark Butterflies to spread wing and take flight.


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