Life is a dance | Teen Ink

Life is a dance

April 23, 2012
By surfergirl98 PLATINUM, Roseville, CA, California
surfergirl98 PLATINUM, Roseville, CA, California
30 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;never give up on something you couldn&#039;t go a day with out thinking about.&quot; <br /> -myself

Life is a dance
You learn how to walk
Then how to dance
How to waltz
Tango across the floor
Under the crystal chandelier
In your best dress
Swaying to the music
Side by side with everyone else
A glass of champagne awaits
On a waiters silvery tray
The bubbles light up your mouth
The slowly you make your way
For the final dance
Of the night
In the beautiful ballroom


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