Discerning The Truth | Teen Ink

Discerning The Truth

February 28, 2012
By nebhogan SILVER, Walnut Creek, California
nebhogan SILVER, Walnut Creek, California
7 articles 0 photos 4 comments

That cool refreshing gift from the trees that dance,
Along with the welcoming arms of grass waiting to embrace you,
The smooth sea of fairytale hills waiting for you to explore them,
And that giant orb of destruction, that brings life to everything around.

Our dancing friends are fading to a war zone littered with their body's
We will help and protest to abolish this genocide,
Its our fault; they were not aware of your dance, like we were,
please don’t go the tree’s that dance.

They are all now silent, the welcoming friends don’t welcome us anymore,
We tried but the bacteria they are is growing and becoming powerful,
you have dried faster then water in a desert,
please come back welcoming arms of grass.

Where are the fairytale friends and their unexplored lives,
You are gone and have been replaced with a structure made of your own carcass,
Now you are changing like the sand dooms do in the wind,
please forgive us smooth sea of fairytale hills.

The author's comments:
I wrote this while i was on a hill watching a sunset. I was very high, and this poem is all about realizing that everything we love will be lost if we don't stop destroying it.

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