Whispers Sound Alarms | Teen Ink

Whispers Sound Alarms

March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Optimism whispers to calamity
A secret wager with a life at stake
To draw forth the paradox of sanity
Or else to abandon the lust of fate

Sleep kisses a conscious heart
Lips pressed to a pillow
Two souls a world apart
Just letting destiny go

Dreamscapes betwixt the abrasive pain
Turning back to love
Uncovering memories like still frames
When film isn't enough

Truth articulates tears
Drying the blood on your palms
When it is time to face your fears
Then it will be time to come home…

Scabs open scars
Hope loses oath
What once was ours
Can only but kill us both

Metaphor loses meaning
Poetry welcomes prose
Nightmares are dreaming
Like the words you choke

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