I'm Sitting in my Room Alone... | Teen Ink

I'm Sitting in my Room Alone...

March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

I’m sitting in my room alone nobody to hold me and tell me it’s ok. I find it hard that everything will blow over soon like he told me. The only one by my side is the man that say he loves me and the on who blessed my mothers wound. I have faith in both he told me that he would be around forever but forever don’t seem real. Day to day I walk around and it seems like everything is ok. But it’s more to my life that people don’t see. I hurt and I’m burning up inside. Keep my anger at a minimum so I won’t lash out at the ones that don’t like me. I’m worried about my next move and what I’m going to do. I gotta stay strong for me and not for you. You love me and I know that but my life and not for you. I gotta deal with this alone if I’m ever going to fix it. But I do need your help. I gotta hear your voice before I take some ones life. Maybe I’ll change my mind to spare you. I’m an angry person deep down inside and I’m surprised that you want o say around. With everything that’s going on. Soon he gone want to he gone me alone. In this room alone start like I was in the beginning before he came along.

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