The First Snowfall | Teen Ink

The First Snowfall

March 9, 2008
By Anonymous

The temperature dips down. You get chills as you walk down the street. You know it is coming. The wind begins to whisper. Then it begins to grow louder and louder. You know it is coming. The leaves on the trees are long gone. The dew on the lawn in the morning has turned into ice crystals. You know it is coming. The tiny flakes being to fall. They fall onto your pink nose, and melt instantly. You know it is coming. The snow begins to pick up, falling faster and faster. You run home, but can not even see where you are going. You know it is coming. Soon there is a thick layer of cotton fluff on the ground. You can hardly see where you are going anymore. You know it is coming. The snow comes down continuously harder and harder, it is now a white out. You run inside the front door and slam it behind you. It has finally come.

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