Sick with Insanity | Teen Ink

Sick with Insanity

May 6, 2008
By Anonymous

Sick with insanity
Her electric eyes penetrate the sun with a language of their own
They speak desolate last chances and hollow thoughts
Inside her, underneath the many skeletons of past lives she bears truth
So consumed with addiction
Her heart rusts with loss
Her mind, an open wound,
Can’t seem to heal
So she hides herself in cigarette smoke
Wishing she was dead
She wonders why she’s still here
And counts all the times she’s been saved
She doesn’t know how much they care
Lost in despair and destruction
She finds a loophole to another life
The sunset speaks your name in distant colors
The wind tells tails of your beauty
I’m nostalgic at the sight of stars
Because they stopped shining when you left
You once filled our hearts with hope
Now you butter the world with silence
A grave silence
So we can remember your laconic soul
Now ill put you in the box of broken dreams
and there you rest in peace

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